Meet Nikki

Meet Nikki. . .

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When we first met Nikki, it was at our bridal show booth, during a really busy stretch. She and her fiance waited patiently while Asif and I (Nicki) spoke with each person who was at our booth. When there was a chance, she approached us with a determined look on her face - she didn't have any questions, she had made up her mind. She was at our booth to book a session. And we knew right away that we would love working with her because she was so genuine and sweet!

Well, fast forward a number of weeks and she has now had her session (which was a ton of fun!!), she has seen her stunning images (along with her adoring fiance!), and she has selected her "keepers." We are so glad she chose us to do her boudoir session because she has been so great to work with!

Now read what she had to say about the experience and check out her breath-taking images below:

Q - What made you decide to book a boudoir session with Boudoir Studio 6201?

A - Honestly, it's something I've been wanting to do for years. You don't often see curvy women in boudoir images, and that's a shame. To me, being sexy has nothing to do with your pant size. Plus Nicki & Asif are wonderful.

Q - Please use 3 words to describe how you felt during your boudoir session:

A - Excited, giggly & comfortable.

Q - How did you feel when you first saw your images?

A - Empowered. It was an incredible feeling to see myself in such an amorous way.

Q - What would you say to someone who is unsure about doing a boudoir session?

A - If you can endure the slight awkwardness, it is so worth it. The images are beautiful & make you feel amazing.

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