
#MissionUnmask: a year-long project by The Boudoir Studio

by Asif


It was a few months ago during one of our team meetings (which we call a “boudoir pow-wow”), when Nicki emphatically suggested that we drop every false ideal and self-imposed pressure to measure up to other boudoir photographers in the industry and simply give ourselves permission to be us. She challenged us to build a business around who we are and not somebody else. No more comparing ourselves to someone or some other business and no more fruitless efforts to emulate them either.

- “. . .that we drop every false ideal and self-imposed pressure to measure up. . . and simply give ourselves permission to be us.”

“. . .that we drop every false ideal and self-imposed pressure to measure up. . . and simply give ourselves permission to be us.”

I cannot even begin to share with you the number and the magnitude of changes we have since undergone and embraced. It has been wonderfully liberating to say the least. Nicki’s challenge to us as a team, as well as to me personally, has led to many soul searching questions and realizations. Especially when it relates to crafting our boudoir business around our values and priorities.

One of those soul-searching questions is what led me to come up with the idea of #MISSIONUNMASK. This is inspired by one of the aspects I cherish most about being a boudoir photographer. It is the occasional “story time” that takes place after the hair and make up is done, but before the shoot actually starts.

- “One of those soul-searching questions is what led me to come up with the idea of #MISSIONUNMASK.”

“One of those soul-searching questions is what led me to come up with the idea of #MISSIONUNMASK.”

During these moments, some of my clients will sometimes ask me questions about why I do what I do and why I got started as a boudoir photographer. Some of the most honest conversations have resulted. Often my clients will, in turn, share some of their own story. This is by far one of the most impactful aspects of what I do. At times I have laughed till my tummy hurts and at other times I have cried my eyes out.

These conversations have affected me deeply, making me realize that what I do is far more than taking pretty pictures; it is about changing lives. I’ve realized that this exchange of stories is perhaps an even greater “unmasking” then being in your lingerie is.

- “These conversations have affected me deeply, making me realize that what I do is far more than taking pretty pictures; it is about changing lives.”

“These conversations have affected me deeply, making me realize that what I do is far more than taking pretty pictures; it is about changing lives.”

The fact is, what has led to great stories is asking great questions. That’s where #Missionunmask comes in. On Instagram many people post an “Ask me anything” widget. I wanted to build on that. So we’re creating a space where we can continue the conversation outside of the walls of our studio.

We are going to flip the “ask me anything” question around and ask YOU, our @theboudoir.studio followers, a daily question to get the conversation started. Not wanting it to be a one way street, each member of The Boudoir Studio team will answer the questions ourselves so you can get to know us too! We will have prizes along the way and an amazing grand-prize at the end of this year-long project.

- “The fact is, what has led to great stories is asking great questions.”

“The fact is, what has led to great stories is asking great questions.”

We will posting a daily question on Instagram (@theboudoir.studio). Answer the question in the comments section and we’ll see where the conversation goes!

Check out the details below and JOIN THE MISSION ON INSTAGRAM!


There will be monthly prizes to each @theboudoir.studio follower who answers our daily questions for the entire month. Each month the prizes will be announced on the 1st day.

There will be a grand prize for the person who completes the most months in the year (to complete a month, you must have answered every daily question that month). That person will get a boudoir session/product package valuing $1200!! (We will give away up to 5 grand prizes and if there is a tie of more than 5 people, the winners will be selected at random).


In order to qualify for the monthly prizes and the grand prize, you need to do 2 things:

  1. Every day a question will be posted to our IG feed. Leave your answer in the comments.

  2. At least once a week, share the post to your story.

That’s it!

Thanks for joining us in this mission, We’re looking forward to the conversation!




Babies, Bottles, Breastfeeding and. . . BOUDOIR?