Self-Appreciation Sundays - Rochester Boudoir Photography
Self-appreciation points for today:
1. Happiness with my body results from my inner self-love
I need to treat my body with the respect it deserves.
I need to express gratitude for my body in whichever shape or size it is because it is a temple for my heart, soul and mind.
2. I need to allow my love for my inner self to overflow to my exterior being
I have to expel unhealthy feelings about myself and learn to live with a free conscience.
My inner self love is block because of feelings like envy, hate, disgust, un-worthiness and shame.
3. Being free of unhealthy feelings about myself allows me to experience happiness
I need to have a plan to celebrate my every forward movement, however big or small.
Positive feelings will pour out from my heart as I grow in expelling my toxic feelings and learn to celebrate my progress.
Self-appreciation affirmations for today:
“Today I choose to love my inner-self and allow that love to overflow to my exterior being.”
“Today I will treat my body with the respect it deserves.”
“Today I will choose to appreciate my body because it is a temple for my heart, soul and mind.”
“Today I choose to release my unhealthy feelings and give myself permission to experience happiness.”
Self-appreciation and self-reflection questions for today?
How important is taking care of my body to achieving and maintaining self-love?
What are some of the things I do to ensure that I remain positive?
How do I restore my self-confidence after it is damaged?