Self-Appreciation Sundays - Week 2
Self-appreciation points for today:
1. Nurturing my soul is my responsibility.
No one can nurture my soul for me. It is 100% my own responsibility.
The best and simplest path to nurturing my soul is through meditation and daily affirmations.
2. My confidence is an inside job.
Positive self-motivation gives me the confidence to tackle challenges and win.
My ability to succeed is a reminder that I am valuable and worthwhile.
Knowing that I am inwardly strong and significant contributes to my feeling of happiness.
3. My outward appearance does not define me.
I am undefinable by my physical appearance, hence it is insignificant in determining my worth.
My ability to live beautifully comes from within.
Self-appreciation affirmations for today:
“Today I will nourish my soul through meditation and my affirmations.”
“Today I embrace my inner strength and significance as the determining factor of my overall happiness.”
“Today I will live beautifully from within as I am undefinable by the insignificance of my physical appearance.”
Self-appreciation and self-reflection questions for today?
How important is taking care of my body to achieving and maintaining self-love?
What are some of the things I do to ensure that I remain positive?
How do I restore my self-confidence after it is damaged?