9 Tips For Your DIY Boudoir Session


Have you ever taken a sexy selfie? Whether it was for your hubby or for a crush. . . most of us can admit that at one time or another we did up our hair and makeup, put on something cute specifically, and took a sexy selfie!! Creating a show-stopping image is not only desirable for your S.O. but can also be empowering for you too! As much as it can be important to know what to do, it is also crucial to know what NOT to do with your DIY Boudoir Session. Take some tips from our professional boudoir photographers for the next time you are looking to expand your sexy selfie library:

Do: Get In The Mood

Curl your hair, put on makeup, and light some candles. Your mindset during your boudoir session will be seen in your photos. Get your head in the right space to relax, have fun, and let loose of your expectations and insecurities.


Don’t: Have a Tripod? No problem.

You don’t need all the pro equipment in order to DIY your boudoir session. Propping your phone up on a chair, dresser, or taping it to the wall works just as well. There are so many creative ways to get around not having a tripod. Having your hands free to play in your hair or tug on your bra strap is much more desirable when compared to the arm stretched out selfie!

Do: Pick Out Your Outfits In Advance

I can already hear you say. . . “But, my dresser is right there!” or “I’ll figure it out” or “I’ll have something that fits”. Girl, let me save you the trouble. You are going to be so frustrated trying on 100 different things that may or may not fit. Plan. It. Out. There is no worse “mood killer” than trying to figure out something to wear on the day of your DIY photoshoot.


Don’t: Limit Yourself to The Bedroom

You don’t need to take all of your photos in your bedroom. Try all different areas around the abode to get some interesting looks. Maybe a strategically placed living room plant can give you an implied nude look on the couch? Get creative with your environment, your location can have just as much to do with your photos as posing.

Do: Play With Different Lighting

Lighting can massively change the mood and look of a photo. Whether it’s bright and cheery, or dark and moody, use different locations to play with lighting. Open all the curtains, or close them, plan the time of the day for your DIY boudoir session.


Don’t: Take Yourself Too Seriously

The expression most often sought in boudoir photography is that hint of a smile in your eyes and lips. But this doesn't mean that you shouldn’t capture your beautiful big smile. Sometimes it’s relieving to laugh out some awkwardness instead of trying too hard. Relax, have fun with it, and let go of those serious expectations.

Do: Focus On Other Features 

Your unique features should not be forgotten. It can be easy to become hyper-focused on photos of just “the girls” and your tush. Features such as close up photos of lips and lashes or nape of the neck, the curve of the hip, length of your legs, your eyes. . . highlight what you feel confident about.


Don’t: Be Too Hard On Yourself

With all of these photos of yourself, it can be so easy to fall down the rabbit hole of being self-critical. Be mindful by practicing self-compassion in your DIY boudoir session. Boudoir photography is a beautiful combination of lighting, angles, outfits, and skill. . . don’t be afraid to delete and move on. There is no need to look at your butt that close without a professional!

Do: Find Poses That Work For Your Body.

Look up 5-7 poses that work for your body type. Practice them in front of a mirror before your DIY sexy selfie session! When you’re ready, instead of using timers or remotes, take videos of the poses, that way, you can screenshot the perfect angles!


And finally DO:

Whether you are loving your DIY Boudoir Session or you’ve gotten so frustrated that you’ve given up, either way you should consider signing up for the pampering experience of a professional boudoir session!! No need to worry about lighting, angles, or poses. Our photographers are professionals at coaching every body type. From what to wear, to where to place your hand. . . we are here to help you all along the way. Achieving the perfect sexy selfie can be frustrating and time-consuming; however, we know that we can capture the beauty that has always been there. We’d love to chat with you about it!



Where Can You Print Your Boudoir Photos?


What REALLY Happens During a Couple’s Boudoir Session