Self-Appreciation Sundays - Week 3
Self-appreciation points for today:
1. Focus on character over looks
Spend your days crafting your inner-self into a wholesome and lovely character
Your character has an impact that is greatly far reaching than your looks
2. Make a commitment to develop positive inner traits
Commit to loving yourself on the inside and letting that spill over to your exterior being
Commit to developing the positive traits you already possess to maximize your impact
Commit to channeling your energy towards cultivating a beautiful soul
Commit to being a blessing to your world.
Self-appreciation affirmations for today:
“Today, the love I feel for myself on the inside will drive my feelings about my exterior.”
“Today, I focus on crafting my inner-self into a wholesome and lovely character.”
“Today, I will spend my time developing my positive inner traits so I can cultivate a beautiful soul.”
Self-appreciation and self-reflection questions for today?
How important is taking care of my body to achieving and maintaining self-love?
What are some of the things I do to ensure that I remain positive?
How do I restore my self-confidence after it is damaged?